Good afternoon!
It’s a glorious, sunny fall day here. I hope that the sun is shinning wherever you are, as well!
Here are a few things that I have been loving lately. I hope that something here blesses your heart and reminds you to go out and enjoy something that you love this week!
1. Morning devotions. Each morning Allan and I wake up before the kids and sit in the living room together to read our Bibles, study and pray. It sets a fabulous tone for the day and I get some quiet time before the kids wake up.
2. My yoga mat. After morning devotions I try to spend 30 minutes exercising. This morning during my devotion time I read the following:
“We are not to seek wealth or health, prosperity or success, ease or comfort, spirituality or fruitfulness in service simply for our own enjoyment or advancement or popularity, but only for Christ’s sake – for His glory.” From The Kneeling Christian
This quote resonated with me. Oftentimes I workout hard, lift heavy or do HIIT simply because I think that it will make me thinner or change the way my body looks. It’s completely based on vanity.
However, I’ve always said that I workout to live my life without pain and to be able to keep up with my boys all day long. I want to be able to run with Matthew and carry Luke for blocks without faltering. I want to play catch with them and ride bikes. I want to play with my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren. I don’t want physical limitations to keep me from God’s will for my life and that of my children. So, I’ve stepped back on to my mat and put my heavy weights to the side. I’ve told Jillian Michaels that we may see each other again sometime, but for now I want to flow.
Last weekend a good friend and I went to Bellyrama and it was glorious. It was exactly what I needed before having 20 family members over for Luke’s second birthday.
3. School. These cuties are attending a full day preschool program one day per week. They love their time with new friends and I am taking a painting class. It’s everything that I hoped it would be and more!
4. Healthy bento-style lunches. This was today’s lunch for the boys and the photo below is the lunch that I packed for preschool tomorrow. It’s such a timesaver to pack the boys’ school lunch for tomorrow while I prepare their lunch for today. Pictured above are pumpkin spinach italian turkey meatballs with homemade marinara for dipping, thomcord grapes from our CSA box, strawberries, homemade applesauce and dill pickle raw sauerkraut. Both boys also enjoyed a sweet sixteen apple from Sweetland Orchard. Tomorrow’s lunch is similar to today’s, but has celery and sunbutter.
5. Walks to our neighborhood park. We are trying to soak up every minute of the warmth and sunshine before winter arrives. Plus, they are redoing our neighborhood playground and we have to regularly check on the progress.
6. Salads pilled high with leftovers and kimchi. This is a mixed greens base with roasted cabbage roses, grilled chicken, avocado, kimchi, colorado peach and peach vinaigrette.
7. Painting with the boys. Matthew has been itching to get back to the Eagan Art House for classes, so I’ve been trying to pull out the art supplies at least once a day for a quick art project.
8. Apple season. I bought a few bags of inexpensive, slightly dented apples at the co-op last week and made them into applesauce using my slow cooker. Let me know if you’d like me to post the recipe. It is SO easy!
I am head over heals in love with this uncarbonated cider from our friends at Sweetland Orchard.
9. Homemade Pumpkin Spice Lattes. So easy and absolutely delicious. I made this one with freshly brewed half-caff coffee. But also made a PSL last night using Chai Rooibos tea, which was out of this world amazing! I hope to share the recipe tomorrow. (My MOPS group got a sneak peak at the recipe in last week’s newsletter!)
10. Stewed tomatoes. Between a great deal at the co-op and our CSA box we finally accumulated enough tomatoes to cook down. This quickly became the base for spaghetti squash and meatballs. Before seasoning the tomatoes with italian spices I kept a few cups to become a paleo chili tonight.
What have you been loving lately? Please leave a comment below because I’d love to hear where God has been leading you lately!

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