I love when fellow mommy bloggers share Day In the Life posts, so I thought that I would do a quick run down of a day in the life of the Peters family! I am following the The Eat-Clean Diet Stripped plan as our beach vacation approaches, so all of the eats that you see are my interpretation of the meal plans from the book. Please keep in mind that I exclusively breastfeed a ravenous 20+ lb 6 month old, add to that 4-5 fast and furious workouts per week and I have a pretty high daily caloric expenditure.
The following is how our day went down last Wednesday.
1:00 AM – Luke is awake. Allan gets up to change his diaper. He finds that Luke’s diaper has leaked, resulting in the wake up. This seems to be a common problem around here. For some reason Luke can wet through even the most expertly stuffed and applied diaper. Thank God for cloth pocket diapers because he can wet though a disposable in no time flat! I run downstairs to collect a new onesie, pajamas and two swaddling blankets. Allan changes Luke into his new garb, I nurse him to sleep and am back in bed around 2:15 AM.
4:45 AM – The butter bean is awake again. Allan changes his diaper while I toss and turn hoping that Luke will randomly fall asleep. That never actually happens, it is simply wishful thinking. I join the boys in Luke’s bedroom and nurse him to sleep again. Back in bed at 5:25 AM. Allan is thinking about waking up to go running. I grunt and roll over.
6:15 AM – My iPhone alarm goes off. I quickly search for it on my bedside table trying not to wake Matthew. I press snooze and close my eyes.
6:29 AM – My iPhone alarm goes off again. Dang this thing is persistent. I pick it up, turn off the alarm and stumble out of bed. In the dark I gather up the baby monitor, my workout clothes and my clothes for the day. I quietly sneak downstairs, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, change clothes and talk to Allan for a couple minutes.
6:45 AM – I venture from our bathroom to the family room and put my ZCUT into the Playstation 3 for the first time. I get everything all set up and realize I left my water upstairs in the kitchen. I quietly run upstairs, fill up my water and like a ninja I am back downstairs ready to workout.
7:10 AM – I’m done with my workout and completely drenched in sweat. I am pretty impressed with Zuzka’s workout and it makes me fondly reminisce back to my pre-pregnant BodyRockTV days; although, I don’t miss Zuzka’s BodyRock bedroom-like panting. I plan to write more about my current workout routine in a future post.
7:15 AM – I run upstairs to check on Allan, who is preparing breakfast. Matthew has just woken up and Luke is still asleep. I beg him for 20 more minutes so that I can take my shower. He obliges me and I am back downstairs before he can change his mind.
7:45 AM – Showered, blow-dried and macara-ed I return upstairs a much happier mama. Allan has finished breakfast and he and Matthew are at the table devouring their food. I turn on the tea pot to heat some water for my lemon water. I pour a bit of almond milk into a mug and add coffee. I sit down and enjoy my breakfast, praying Luke doesn’t wake up just yet.
Omelet: 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 egg, spinach, leftover potatoes, organic peppers
8:00 AM – Allan jets out the door to catch a bus to work, Matthew heads into the living room to play with his legos and I finish eating breakfast.
8:05 AM – Luke is awake. I go upstairs, unswaddle him, change his diaper and clothes, he nurses. I struggle with Matthew to change his diaper and offer him a pair of underwear. He lets me know that underwear are not on today’s agenda and I unwillingly put another diaper on him.
8:30 AM – I empty the dishwasher, dish drainer and fill up the dishwasher with dirty dishes while drinking my second cup of coffee. Luke jumps in the jumperoo while Matthew plays with puzzles and legos.
9:00 AM – Luke is fussy and ready for his morning nap. I turn on Super Why for Matthew and head upstairs with Luke. He nurses and falls asleep. I set him in his crib, walk away and he wakes up. We do this same dance for 30 minutes until he finally gives in and sleeps.
9:45-10:30 AM – I check on Matthew, who is now watching Dinosaur Train. I switch the clean diapers from the washing machine to the dryer, hang up the outer PUL “pockets” of the diapers on our indoor clothesline, pay a few bills online, check Facebook, Twitter and my email, and fold a load of laundry.
Leftover roast broccoli, strawberries, hardboiled eggs
10:30 AM – Luke wakes up. The TV is turned off and we eat a snack. We then play with toys, read books, work on puzzles and have tummy time while I change diapers, nurse Luke and finish up any extraneous to-do’s (make a 6 month doctor appointment for Luke, call around to preschools, look into selling our house/building a new one, freeze bananas for smoothies, weigh/package up chicken for the rest of the week).
11:45 AM – I start getting lunch together. Matthew has a piece of toast with almond butter, red pepper slices and hummus and raw cashews.
Salad: citrus chicken, romaine, black beans, tomatoes, peppers
1:00 PM – We begin winding down for nap. Matthew gets to play one more time with Legos while I change diapers and put a new load of diapers into the washing machine. I cannot wait for Matthew to be out of diapers so we don’t have to wash and fold diapers every day!
1:15 PM – We read books, I tuck in Matthew and give him lots of kisses and lots of hugs. He refuses to stay in bed and instead wants to jump around his room. I tell him goodnight. Luke and I go upstairs to begin our song and dance routine.
2:30 PM – Luke is finally down for his nap. Matthew is not. He starts kicking his door. I bring him a snack cup filled with puffs and coconut milk creamies along with his water. He sits up in bed to enjoy his snack. Soon thereafter he stops making noise. I pray that he fell asleep and did not choke to death!
2:45 PM – Time to prep dinner and make a shopping list for next week’s groceries. I have been using my slow cooker A LOT for dinners because I can do most of the prep during lunchtime or naptime. I decide to see if placing frozen mahi mahi with veggies and spices into the slow cooker will result in a delicious fish taco filling or not. I turn the crockpot on High for 2 hours and say a little prayer.
2:53 PM – I contemplate feeding this red cabbage to my family. It has been in my crisper drawer since November. I remove a few leaves and find black fuzzy stuff. It goes into the compost bin.
3:30 PM – I get hungry and have chicken wrapped in romaine leaves and topped with almond butter while I scurry around the house getting our stuff together. I am singing a solo at church on Sunday and have to be at church at 4:45 PM to practice.
3:45 PM – Luke wakes up from nap, I nurse him, change his diaper and put him on his play mat. I run into Matthew’s room, wake him up, change his diaper and carry him half asleep into the living room to put on his shoes.
4:25 PM – We are in the car and driving. Matthew has a snack (a version of these banana muffins, I plan to share the recipe sometime soon!) on our way there.
6:15 PM – Back home and Allan is following the directions I left for him to finish supper.
6:15-8:30 PM – We eat dinner as a family, I wash dishes, Allan puts on Luke’s pajamas, I put Luke to bed and Allan puts Matthew to bed.
8:30-10:00 PM – Allan packs his lunch for tomorrow, I prep breakfast by soaking steel cut oats, cinnamon, vanilla extract and apple cider vinegar in the rice cooker overnight. We each grab a snack and head downstairs to the family room to watch Biggest Looser. I surf the internet and Allan makes a blog post while we each keep one eye on the TV.
Banana Strawberry Protein Ice Cream
10:30 PM – We are in bed. Luke makes a couple whimpering noises. We pray that he stays asleep. Today he does.
Phew! Life with two little kids is definitely full, crazy and beautiful!
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