Good afternoon my friends. I bet that you were wondering when I was going to announce the winners of last week’s Land O Lakes coupon giveaway. Unfortunately there never seems to be enough time in the day for everything that I would like to accomplish… Do you ever feel that way, too?
The winners of the Land O Lakes coupons are seeks and Tanya, who will each receive one coupon for one dozen free eggs. Congratulations! Please send your mailing address to me at maria at mariamakesmuffins dot com.
In other news, Matthew continues to get cuter every day! 🙂 He loves to sing (la, la, la) and dance (his signature move is the stutter step). He babbles all of the time and loves to pace back and forth talking on his phone or any other item that resembles an iPhone (calculators, remotes, etc.). He is starting to say some words, but continues to primarily communicate nonverbally with gestures and pointing. He is such a joy and I am so very happy to be able to spend each and every day with him.
Last Friday we started swimming lessons at the Southdale YMCA. The YMCA has a newly renovated pool that is perfect for young toddlers and includes a shallow, zero depth entry. Matthew was so excited to walk into the water on his own. He soon began running and falling into the shallow water. He thought that it was so much fun. During lessons he had fun splashing, kicking and swimming. Although, he was a bit nervous about floating on his back. Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures from lessons, because I am in the water with Matthew the whole time and I don’t have a waterproof camera.
What was the highlight of your weekend? We had my parents and sister over for a pizza party to celebrate my parent’s birthdays this week (15th and 19th). I hope to share the highlights and recipes later this week.
Enjoy the rest of your day!

Hi Maria. I’ve been meaning to ask you about the tray or placemat that I see in the pictures of Matthew eating. It looks like something I would like to try for my grandson who is 21 months old. Right now he just has a thin slippery place mat. I can’t really tell what yours is from the photos but it looks sturdier and I was wondering what is was and where you got it. Thanks.
Hi Mary, the tray that Matthew uses is the Stokke Table Top which matches the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair that we bought used on craigslist. I did buy the tray new, which was an investment, but we have been very happy with it. Matthew loves looking at the different scenes underneath the plastic and has not figured out how to remove it from the table. It is easy to clean and can be removed from the table by an adult for deep cleanings. Let me know if you have any other questions.