I get a lot of inspiration for projects in and out of the kitchen from blogs, cookbooks, magazines and pinterest. I thought that it might be fun for you to see the things that are inspiring me this week. Enjoy!
Gluten-Free Almond & Buckwheat Flour Pizza Crust from Oh She Glows
I am making this crust tonight for Friday Night Pizza Night
Herb Wall Hanging from Pinterest
My father-in-law and I are going to work this project next week!
Vegan Pumpkin Mac and Cheeze Sauce from Oh She Glows
Last Sunday I topped brown rice noodles and wilted kale with this sauce. It was to die for! Matthew especially loved the leftovers for lunch the next day.
Make you own Kombucha Mother/Scoby from store bought Kombucha from Bonzai Aphrodite
Source: bonzaiaphrodite.com via Maria on Pinterest
I really hope this works! I have a mason jar on my countertop brewing my own scoby. *fingers crossed*
Making a Creative Art Center from Passionate Homemaking
Allan and I spent several hours last weekend cleaning, purging and organizing out attic. We found lots of art and craft supplies from our art school days. I would like to set up a creative space for Matthew and I to put these supplies to good use. This was a great post to read to get me in a creative organizing mood.
Allan and I are going on a date tonight to see the movie, Courageous.
What did you think? Would you like to see more posts like this in the future? What do you think about making this a weekly feature?

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