It’s late and Allan and I would like to rent a movie from iTunes before bed. So I am going to make this short and sweet. 🙂 We have been enjoying our time as a family this week and are sad to see the week nearing its end. It will be very weird to be back to normal next week.
Yesterday, was a day of things we have not done since we found out I was pregnant. Including picking up a pair of Thermometer Jeans in a size 26… I can get the jeans on, but cannot button them up. My goal is to be able to zip them up and sit in them by the time I finish The Female Body Breakthrough.
In the afternoon, Allan and I broke out the brand new, tags still attached, tennis rackets that we bought two years ago. We had a blast running around the court chasing after tennis balls.
We also pulled out our rollerblades for the very first time in over two years. I, once again, decided that I belong with my feet firmly routed to the ground or on two wheels, definitely not with eight wheels strapped to my feet. I don’t know why, but I feel so uneasy on rollerblades. I really want to like it (and be good at it), but it is definitely a struggle.
What was not a struggle was last night’s amazing, quick and simple spaghetti dinner.
So, what’s in the bowl?
1 cup leftover roasted purple potatoes topped with the following quick tomato sauce.
1/2 lb roma tomatoes, cored and diced
1 onion, diced
2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 can tomato paste
14.5 ounce can organic diced tomatoes
1/2 c chicken or veggie stock
sea salt and pepper
1/3 c fresh basil
nutritional yeast
In a medium pot, heat 1/2 tbsp EVOO. Sauté tomatoes, onion and garlic until tender. Add tomato paste, diced tomatoes, stock, s&p. Simmer until thickened. Remove from heat and stir in basil and nutritional yeast.
Allan and Matthew enjoyed their sauce over whole wheat spaghetti noodles and we all topped our meals with a few frozen then thawed and heated in the sauce homemade grass-fed beef meatballs.
It’s now time to rent that movie and enjoy one of these… Courtesy Mama Pea’s cookbook.

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