Happy belated Easter!
We hosted Easter festivities for both of our families. My parents, Allan’s parents and my sister were in attendance.
There was so much AMAZING (and clean) food that the fridge was so packed it was difficult to find anything!
Lois, Allan’s mom, made this beautiful watermelon fruit bowl! This bad boy was stuffed with freshly cut cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, strawberries and grapes. Juicy pineapple was served on the side.
We had 2.5 pounds of local bacon from the co-op, which quickly disappeared.
I like to place my bacon on a broiler pan and bake it at 400° for 15-2o minutes. Perfectly crispy every time!
I also previewed one of my newest creations: feta humus, which was served with baby carrots and celery. Stay tuned for this amazing recipe!
Melissa, my sister, did an amazing job styling the organic european yogurt from Trader Joe’s. I mixed nonfat and whole milk plain yogurt with vanilla extract and agave syrup.
Since I happened upon Ashley’s blog via Kath, I had been dreaming of her buckwheat bakes. So, the week before Easter I started experimenting. Every day I made a different breakfast bake until I perfected 3 different flavors to serve for Easter Brunch. Look for another follow-up post dedicated to my breakfast bake exploration. **Please excuse this less than dynamic photo**
The star of the show was this beautiful strata made with homemade pork-apple breakfast sausage, asparagus, mushrooms, onions, goat cheese, almond milk, eggs and sprouted bread. Look for a how-to and recipe to follow.
For dessert (yes there was MORE food) my Mom made Coconut Cream Pie using the recipe from the latest issue of Clean Eating Magazine as a guide. This was refreshing served with an Americano.
Both of our mothers have food sensitivities, so I strove to keep Brunch as close to gluten-free and lactose-free as possible. For example, in the breakfast bakes I used oats, buckwheat, almond milk and coconut milk.
What is your favorite Easter memory?
Mine is waking up early for the 6:30 AM Easter sunrise service as a very young girl. Just my Dad and I went to the early service together that year, as we were in the choir and my sister, Melissa, was too young to get up that early. Dad had to help me into my Easter dress and put a bow in my hair just so. Mom, Grandma and Melissa joined us at the 10:30 AM service and I am sure that after church we enjoyed ham, mashed potatoes and all of the fixings.

wow – this was really something! Great tips for me to bring on to my sons Confirmation Party in June! (oh, our fridge is half the size of yours..everything’s bigger in America, right!?)
Congrats on the new blog! Keep posting, Maria!
Thank you, my friend. Our fridge is actually one of the smallest french door models available for purchase!
Over here in Europe everything is smaller you know (only the population is getting larger!) But we are coming after you, larger stores, more bulk buying, more bulk eating.. At the same time training and health is bigger than ever before! It’s more like a black and white side of everything these days.
“*Please excuse the less dynamic photo*” LOL 🙂